Monday, 16 November 2015


memang agak risihhhhhhh kalau dideketin sama laki, seriusssaaannn serba saalaaah, mau baik takut dikira kasih haraapan mau cuek dikira sombong what should i DOOOO, HALLLLP hm yaudahlah jadi diri sendiri ajaa, ga ada yang bisa memaksa, selain ALLAH yang gerakin hati stay cool pricesss *in my own castle* hahaha

Wednesday, 11 November 2015


Water can never be broken. no matter how many times you slice, dice and separate it, they will always remember their other half. You may think it's ridiculous, but hear this: one glass of water and one bucket of them. You pour the water into the bucket. Nothing happens. Why? Think of it as a way that they reconciled so quickly that nothing happened. Now what about blood? Family blood? The ties that bind us together. It's liquid like water, only with different elements in it. But it's just like water. Now think metaphorically: the bond with our family. If water can accept one another after not meeting for so long, what makes you think blood can never do the same? GET IT? N8 :)

Monday, 9 November 2015

This is about Kejujuran Hati( zeeeeh )

HALO MALAM DUNIA SYIFA MASIH SEMANGAT DAN MATANYA MASIH NYALA MALAM INI SOALNYA PUNYA NIAT KUAT BUAT BELAJAR :D HAI SI AAAAABBBBB LAGI NGERJAIN LAPORAN YA SEMANGAT AJA TERUS BUAT YANG SATU ITU SI TIA LAGI JUGA BELAJAR, SEMANGAAAT ORANG2 YANG SAYE CINTAAA!! :) ......... HONESTLY I love peace, I love the serenity. I'm just a little girl who has a lot of dreams and have a lot of efforts and prayers to make it happen. I was a little girl 18 years old. I was a good-hearted little girl who does not want to hurt anybody-EVERYPEOPLE. don't want anyone to get hurt, do not want anyone to get lot of their hopes to me and disappointed because I am. I don't want to make someone sad because of my attitude. I do not want to make someone broken heart .. I just want them to understand, understand me very well .. I'm not comfortable with this condition.. leave me alone, I want to be happy with my day without giving the opportunity that make other people to get hurt.. because I am. sorry.

Monday, 2 November 2015

Im? smart!! Yuhuw

What’s something you really want right now? - stability…reassurance…to be able to make it through school…ice cream…dim sum…to finish my hw…to go to sleep….pergi jalan2 bareng pangeran yang suka jalan jalan haihhh apaasih ya becanda doang pokonya BANYAK :p . . . Are you afraid of falling in love?
- yes/no? idk it’s more like the whole “being in love” part like i’m afraid that one of us will eventually lose interest and the other getting hurt or that i would like them too much. like it’s normal to feel this way and i know this is what’s holding me back from being in a relationship lol HAHA in fact im not in relationship in *status quo* but my heart is taken, nah?! then there’s my other side that’s like wtf i don’t need to be in a relationship…like it’s not my main priority guys,i don’t want to be too reckless and waste my time ….but for rn (rite now)i’m more on the side that it’s not my main priority..if something happens then i’ll go with it Sure i have close friend that i love too, just pray